Consumers are always on, always connected to a wide range of sources and information through a variety of devices, and are influenced by other consumers. Buying habits have evolved, incorporating a variety of digital channels and methods of interaction that span in-home experiences online, mobile applications on the go and in-person service. Retailers are expected to keep up.
But for some retailers, innovation has been an afterthought. Adopting the latest technology advancements has historically been a piecemeal proposition to address immediate pain points related to inventory management or streamlining sales transactions.
To address these needs, HP today announced a new generation of point-of-sale (POS) and kiosk systems to help retailers manage, secure and enhance the sales process at every consumer touch point.
According to Emily Dart, retail solutions marketing manager for HP’s Personal Systems Group, HP is prioritizing helping its retail customers to standardize on one system throughout their stores. In fact, the new HP rp5800 Retail System announced today was developed to do just that. Running Windows 7 Professional, Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 and Windows XP, the rp5800 boasts advanced point-of-sale performance, manageability and security features that fit into existing IT infrastructures and provide rich experiences for both sales associates and their customers. It features a variety of connectivity options, allowing the system to interface with digital signage, as well as a wide variety of peripherals, including receipt printers, monitors, cash drawers and scanners. The rp5800 is expected to be available worldwide early this summer.
Read More.....HP Enables Engaging Experiences With New Retail Solutions