Monday, 13 June 2011

IBM Global Study Reveals Midmarket CIOs Look to Business Analytics to Drive Innovation and Growth

83 Percent Investing in Analytics to Address "Big Data" Challenge While Demand for Cloud Computing Increases 50 Percent Since 2009

A new global study of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) by IBM (NYSE: IBM) reveals that the top strategic technology investment over the next five years at outperforming midsize organizations is business analytics, with cloud computing emerging as the fastest growing technology area for CIOs.

Today, 83 percent of midmarket CIOs surveyed identified analytics, the ability to extract actionable insights from "Big Data" as their top-priority investment area, while there was a 50 percent increase in the number of midsize organizations that plan to invest in cloud computing, compared to IBM's 2009 midmarket CIO study.

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IBM Global Study Reveals Midmarket CIOs Look to Business Analytics to Drive Innovation and Growth