Sunday, 3 July 2011

I officially love Google+...Too bad I can't dump Facebook

I think Robert Scoble may have said it best in his review of Google+:
…it’s clear Google has turned a corner. They have now proven to everyone that they can do social and get on the playing field.
But they haven’t yet proven that they can convince your mom to use it…

He goes on to not only talk about how much he loves Google+, but also how he’s more than happy to have it remain the exclusive domain of the technorati (I’m paraphrasing, of course, but you get the point - He, like many of us at ZDNet and the broader sphere of geekdom likes the especially geeky features of Google’s new social tool). It actually harkens back to the early days of Gmail when it was invite-only and only the coolest of nerds had accounts. It was different and we were the only ones who “got it.”

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I officially love Google+...Too bad I can't dump Facebook