Friday, 22 April 2011

5 Things Accenture's CIO Has Learned About Cloud Computing

Cloud has already taken Accenture IT beyond better, faster and cheaper, says CIO Frank Modruson. As he prepares to move further into IaaS plans, he shares 5 cloud computing lessons learned.

Frank Modruson has a thing for better, faster, cheaper. As CIO of business and IT service provider Accenture, that's what he wants to deliver to his internal customers and what they in turn promise to their clients. "I'm a big believer in technology and a big believer that technology helps the business in a lot of ways," Modruson says. "But it needs to be better, faster or cheaper. If you hit all three, it starts to get very compelling." In the last few years, cloud computing has gotten very compelling for Accenture.

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5 Things Accenture's CIO Has Learned About Cloud Computing